Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Trip Has Landed

After days watching the sun rise and set from the relative discomfort of airports and airplanes, we have arrived in India. Fourteen hours sandwiched between four screaming, kicking children has left me both physically and mentally famished. After passing through customs we met with our leader and his assistants and took our first bus ride back to the hotel, which sounds somewhat uneventful, but the complete and utter chaos of the transit system makes every ride an interesting and suspenseful one. Motorcyclists with their entire family piled onto the back weave between cars and buses, and cows munch on trash in the middle of the road. After harrowing the trip back we were welcomed by our hotel crew, ate a late snack, and finally were able to rest. Our first day was spent mainly shopping in one of the more colonially influenced sections of the city whilst recovering from the drastic time change. I have noticed that I can only absorb a certain amount of the cultural differences in everyday life at a time; each day something new catches my eye. Our second day was highlighted by the incredible meal we were privelege to at a Tibetan restaurant; course after course was piled on our plates and a reprieve from the soarfing temperature was exactly what was needed. The heat is taking its' toll on all of us as everyone was asleep within an hour of returning back to the hotel around five and staying hydrated is a serious concern. Mefloquin, the malaria vaccination medication I am taking, is profoundly affecting my dreams in a very strange way, however, that will be saved for another post. Spirits are high and I anticipate that the best is still yet to come.

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